June 21st, 2014
Who’s Catapult Welcoming This Week!
Our new business campaign is going great guns and we are this week welcoming another three clients to add to the one who joined us last week. There’s far more than this on the cards though.
The first is Eclectic Mix, a beautiful jewellery and accessories business focused on the wedding market in particular, where Catapult has extensive experience of handling PR campaigns for everything from wedding insurance to bridal ballerina shoes.
The second is an attraction that has much to shout about this summer and which is based in the Lake District.
The third is a theme park located in eastern England and naturally having a whole host of things to talk about in the coming months.
There is a fourth – and what a fourth it will be – lurking in the wings and just waiting for funding to get the ball rolling, which may be provided by government, or private big brands who have expressed an interest in being involved.
Major opportunities; not a time to go flaky and bail, or the bus will be well and truly missed. Keep watching for more news.