The Fascination of Running Up That Hill

August 20th, 2024

The Fascination of Running Up That Hill

Teenage athlete and fell running sensation, Charlotte Rawstron, talks to Jane Hunt about her progress through the world of athletics and the fascination of running up the seemingly impossible steep fell at Grasmere Lakeland Sports and Show – and back down again!


Jane discovers how Charlotte got into running up hills and why it’s something she loves to do, despite the commitment involved. She also finds out more about Charlotte’s future goals over the next few years, what events she will most enjoy watching at the Olympics and who has inspired her, so far, in her career.


The duo also discuss the forthcoming Grasmere Lakeland Sports and Show, an event promoted between 2022 and 2024 by Catapult PR, which has also handled social media for the show, for a few months per year, whilst contracted to. do so.  This is a show at which Charlotte is the reigning Ladies champion in the Senior Guides race – the prestigious final fell race of the day, in which both men and women compete. They reference the current Ladies record, set pre-Covid and whether or not it can be broken, with a £500 incentive for any woman runner who can.


Charlotte also explains what being at this show means to her and the great day out that it comprises for anyone, whether taking part in the fell or track races, Cumberland & Westmorland wrestling events or hound trailing programme, or simply attending as a spectator or family wanting some outdoor fun for a full day in the glorious landscape of the English Lake District.

The podcast supports Catapult PR’s work in travel PR and PR for UK tourism businesses and events, building on its expertise in promoting rural experiences and  events.

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