Meeting a Doggy Dad & Getting Golden Retriever Pet Parenting Advice

August 20th, 2024

Meeting a Doggy Dad & Getting Golden Retriever Pet Parenting Advice

Jane Hunt meets Brian Johnson, pet parent to social media doggy star, Pip the Golden Retriever, someone who Jane avidly follows on X and who has fans worldwide. Jane discovers all about Pip and his social media journey, finding out where Pip likes to poodle around, how he spends family time and what being a doggy with followers entails, whether good or bad.

Jane, a Golden Retriever lover, and former Goldie pet parent herself, also asks Brian for his views on some brand-new consumer research that Catapult PR, as a crafter of creative and award-winning pet product and pet insurance campaigns, has commissioned. The discussion moves towards topics such as why pet insurance can be so vital and whether it should be compulsory, the sacrifices pet parents are willing to make for their pets, the pain of pet theft and rewards for pet recovery following theft, and the huge issue of pet grief.  Opinions on dog walkers and the number of dogs that should be legally walked at once, plus the current rise in dog attacks, are also given.

Catapult PR’s research questions elicited thoughts around these issues – and more – affecting all UK pet owners, as well as assessing the impacts of the cost of living crisis on pet parents.  The topics discussed are probably issues shared by other pet owners, worldwide, so have relevance to all pet owners.

Brian provides helpful tips in relation to these issues, which may benefit any pet owner worried about some of them or uncertain what to do in relation to them.

The research findings have also been brought together in a new download, at the Catapult PR website – (available in the Downloads area under About and also on the PR for Pet Brands page (B2C PR).
Having discussed the various topics in the context of Pip and his daily life and routine, which involves poodling around idyllic places in Kent, the south west and elsewhere, Jane also learns all about Pip’s dad’s plans for the future and an exciting new pet podcast in the planning.

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