January 11th, 2014
Jane Becomes A Visiting Fellow!
I am absolutely delighted to have been invited to become a Visiting Fellow of Solent University in Southampton. This follows my presentation to the PR and advertising students on Wednesday, at which I presented my career and highlights and anecdotes from my book ‘Rogue Elephants: One PR Girl’s Fight Through the Human Jungle’.
I have a sneaking suspicion that it may have been my excellent rendition of a scouse accent that won them over – even more so when I forget to slip back into Jamie Redknapp and turned him into a Liverpudlian!
The audience was pretty wowed even before I started to speak, as the PR course leader, Sally Holland, introduced me by stating that she’d been amazed when she visited the website and saw just how many CIPR & PR awards I’ve won over the years. On that basis, I couldn’t really go wrong.
I was asked to present campaigns, so chose the repositioning of farm tourism – ‘Welcome to Mootown’ and my all-time favourite, ‘Send Shirts to Skopje’. This has made me think that I really do need to write up case studies and get them on the web.
I have also been asked to develop a Creative Writing Workshop for PR students. My version for schools was called ‘amazing’ yesterday, so I will have to make sure the PR version for students is just as awe-inspiring (no pressure then!).
And, I have also been asked to deliver the same talk to next year’s PR and advertising students.
Loved being in Southampton and it looks like I’ll be back there from time to time, thanks to my new status. When I asked what this was, I was sent this definition.
Visiting Fellow
The title of Visiting Fellow may be conferred on distinguished staff of other institutions; or of industrial, commercial or professional organizations who, although not employees of the University, are closely associated with it through collaboration in teaching, research, consultancy or advice, in recognition of their contribution to its work and aims.”
That will do for me!