Catapult Launches ‘Copycat’ As A Literature Lifeline!

Catapult Launches ‘Copycat’ As A Literature Lifeline!

January 4th, 2014

Catapult Launches ‘Copycat’ As A Literature Lifeline!

They may only be words, but sometimes words are all you have to take someone’s breath away, which is why Catapult PR is stressing the importance of using a professional copywriting service for websites, blogs and brochures.


Lancashire PR consultancy, Catapult PR,  has launched a new copywriting service for 2014 called ‘Copycat’, which is offering a fixed price fee for brochures (up to 8 pages), blogs (up to 200 words) and websites (up to 6 pages).


The Copycat service will also review tweets to identify regular grammatical and spelling errors that the designated tweeter may be making, as the same errors tend to occur again and again.  It will also point out why posting the same information on Facebook that you tweet on Twitter is not good marketing.


Catapult’s managing director, Jane Hunt, says: “Providing your professional target audience with copy that is poorly written, full of grammatical errors and packed with spelling mistakes instantly damages your brand and your business.  It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you do, someone will look at your words and make a judgment about your proficiency in what you do as the day job.


“For instance, I regularly visit restaurants where the chef and management cannot correctly spell the name of dishes, even though food service is their bread and butter.  That’s not good. I have also seen many education sector websites that are full of appalling spelling errors, even though the institutions in question is trying to tell the site visitor that they should place their children’s education in their hands.  Who in their right mind would wish their child to be educated by someone who can’t spell and commits glaring grammatical errors?


“It’s a cliché, but you only get one chance to make a first impression and that goes for your literature as much as your premises, customer service and dress.  Believing that you don’t need to use apostrophes on Twitter, or spell words correctly is foolish in the extreme.  Arguing that your target audience are just as bad at grammar as yourself is a really feeble excuse.  If you can’t avoid mistakes and writing isn’t your thing, take a good look at Copycat, as it could be your literature lifeline.”


The Copycat blog service will not only write lively blogs for clients’ use, but also cleverly weave key messages into the copy for SEO purposes.  In this way, it will not only add personality to a brand, but also tactically promote the core service so that the search engines pick up on key words and lift the brand up the search engine rankings.


Anyone wishing to know more about Copycat can contact Jane on or 01253 891114.  Copywriting services can be provided to businesses in any part of the country.

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