PR for Pet Website

October 9th, 2024

PR for Pet Website

Catapult PR was approached by a leading European pet website and asked to create media profile around research statistics and press releases generated by the team in France, in response to its pet sector marketing brief.

With research statistics being something not all publications will necessarily touch as subject matter, this pet PR campaign required careful handling and press story placement.

Pet Sector Marketing Activity

Catapult PR worked closely with the French client, to ensure the graphics supporting the stories (no photography was available) would be material that British publications would be likely to carry.  It also advised on cultural and attitudinal differences, where necessary.


Catapult was responsible for taking the statistics and story collateral provided and creating the content that would work in the UK press.  We targeted a variety of different audiences, from mainstream consumer publications for generic themes, to publications such as HR Director or HR News, when talking about a topic such as Brits seeking compassionate leave after the loss of a pet.


Whilst we somewhat had the reins on during this 4-month campaign (then curtailed by the pandemic), being unable to bring our own creativity to the ideas table, we did generate outstanding results for what were wholly statistic-based materials, as per the brief.  As so many titles/journalists shy away from research stories, this was very satisfying.

National coverage appeared in daily titles such as the Daily Mirror and The People, whilst we also achieved coverage in a variety of other publications.  This included health titles, such as Sustain Health, regionals, pet trade titles, veterinary press such as Veterinary Practice and magazines such as The People’s Friend.  We even generated coverage in very niche publications such as Anglican Link and on third-party websites such as that of Dignity Pet Crematorium.

If you would like us to create a PR and content marketing campaign, across both traditional and digital media, that will help market your pet product, service or pet insurance products, please get in touch with us by emailing