Archive for 2024

Research Underlines Pet Insurance and Pet Trade PR and Content Expertise

Catapult PR has reinforced its pet insurance and pet trade PR and content thought leadership, by publishing the results of three years of research amongst pet parents.

‘Feeling the Pulse of UK Pet Owners’, summarises what pet parents think of pet insurance and other topics relating to their pet and is available as a free download at the Catapult PR website, to the benefit of any pet brand.

September 7th, 2024

Getting Our Kicks With Award 66

You could say Catapult PR is getting its kicks after award 66!  There’s definitely something to celebrate, especially as our latest award has underlined our expertise in travel PR and also heritage marketing, once again. I’ve always had a penchant…
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June 13th, 2024

The De-risked New Insurance Brokerage Paul Deftly Built

As part of her insurance PR remit, Jane Hunt talks to Paul Howley, the very first insurance account executive who was selected for her insurance PR client, Gauntlet Group’s, new initiative, Gauntlet Brokerage Builder. Gauntlet Brokerage Builder is a unique…
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June 7th, 2024

Build Your Own Pizza Oven Through A Tuscan-Do Approach

If you can’t head off to Italy this year, you simply have to bring the tastes of the Mediterranean to your own home and what could be better than a tasty wood fired pizza, bubbling with cheese and with a beautifully charred base worthy of any pizzeria in Naples?  Maybe a pizza  – or even better, another recipe concoction, rustled up in your own garden oven?

But how do you top that?  Maybe by serving up that pizza from an oven you’ve built yourself, so it comes with a big topping of self-satisfaction?

May 22nd, 2024